Winter Wedding Cake

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Train part 2!

Well, the second train turned out pretty cute as well.  This time, the cake was for a second birthday party.  I did the cake for this little guy's first party too... and his baby shower.  :)  I like when I can do several cakes over the years and watch the themes change year to year.

This cake was a 1/4 sheet with the train cars placed on top.  I didn't use the firmer cake mix this time and did a trial with the regular type of cake.  It turned out just fine but took a few minutes longer in the oven.  I was pleased with the way it turned out!

That same day, another cake was due.  I had no clue who "Team Umizoomi" was at the time.  I freehanded this one to resemble a picture I was given.  I'll have you know... that I knew that I had done a good enough job when my four year old cheered and yelled "Umizoomi!"  I figured.. if he can recognize them, they must look ok!  :)  We have watched the show, several times a day, every day since this cake was made.

This next cake was ordered by my Mary Kay consultant.  She wanted a cake made for her husband who was having a suprise birthday party for his 51st birthday.  He was very sick, battling cancer for his 50th birthday and couldn't enjoy his birthday.  He is since in remission and enjoying life a little more this year.  She wanted to make this birthday special for him since he has had such a rough time.  This cake was to incorporate his love of flying, black for the big 5-1... and the message "We've only just begun." 
It was yellow cake with a raspberry preserve icing filling.  YUM! 

1 comment:

  1. Come visit me at my blog, I have a surprise for you in this post
